Investment Know How


akt ist: Die Digitalisierung ist auch im Bereich der Finanzwelt angekommen. In meinen täglichen Aufgaben treffe ich immer wieder auf spannende Beispiele und Beiträge, die zeigen, dass sich auch in diesem Umfeld eine Menge verändert und CFOs bzw. Investment Professionals umdenken müssen, um weiterhin erfolgreich zu agieren. Private Equity Funds und Family Offices benötigen völlig andere Qualifikationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung, um heutzutage noch relevante Investmententscheidungen treffen zu können. Ebenfalls erfordert das aktive Portfoliomanagement ein tiefes Verständnis der Digitalisierung, um Kapital auch in der Zukunft sinnvoll einzusetzen. Die bisherige Trickkiste der Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Finanzoptimierungen wird in diesem Umbruch nicht mehr ausreichend sein.

Das erwartet Dich hier:

  • Beiträge zur Unternehmensfinanzierung
  • CFO Aufgaben im Überblick
  • Private Equity Insights

eCFO Tips – a collection!

May 2012 eCFO Tips: Budgets and planning gives you, the CFO, the opportunity to teach people the relationship between financial figures, strategy and operational decisions. As a planning and supervisiory tool, financial planning and budgets are absolutely essential. In a well managed start-up you will be controlling costs through the methods [...]

Controlling – a CFOs sole purpose in life!

Controlling is a key aspect for each new venture. It starts out initially with a solid understanding of cash flows and moves across various phases as a business growths. In my experience the key aspects for each venture development stage can be summarized with the following headlines: Liquidity awareness Profitability measures Balance sheet [...]

Financing or getting married?

Setting the tone… Financing is a fundamental decision for each entrepreneur. Unfortunately, there is no perfect financing partner and each financing process should be highly tailored towards an entrepreneur’s individual needs. I often compare financing to marriage – as crazy as it might sound a financing process has many comparable steps. From [...]

Liquidity – the one and only!

It is no coincidence that the first post is about liquidity. Liquidity is the ONLY measure that eCFOs need to focus on from Day One and should focus on for the entire life of any venture. All other considerations, from profitability, growth to balance sheet optimization are irrelevant if you run out of cash. 1st […]

eCFO knowledge exchange

So far there is only limited news for eCFOs – the guys who take care of numbers, financing, controlling structures and other administrative issues for start-ups. This blog hopes to change this – with a range of articles from people who have either already build their own businesses or are in the middle of it. […]