Investment Know How


akt ist: Die Digitalisierung ist auch im Bereich der Finanzwelt angekommen. In meinen täglichen Aufgaben treffe ich immer wieder auf spannende Beispiele und Beiträge, die zeigen, dass sich auch in diesem Umfeld eine Menge verändert und CFOs bzw. Investment Professionals umdenken müssen, um weiterhin erfolgreich zu agieren. Private Equity Funds und Family Offices benötigen völlig andere Qualifikationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung, um heutzutage noch relevante Investmententscheidungen treffen zu können. Ebenfalls erfordert das aktive Portfoliomanagement ein tiefes Verständnis der Digitalisierung, um Kapital auch in der Zukunft sinnvoll einzusetzen. Die bisherige Trickkiste der Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Finanzoptimierungen wird in diesem Umbruch nicht mehr ausreichend sein.

Das erwartet Dich hier:

  • Beiträge zur Unternehmensfinanzierung
  • CFO Aufgaben im Überblick
  • Private Equity Insights

eCFO Tips continued….

September & October 2012 eCFO Tips: Always do a beauty contest when it comes to selecting advisors/service providers. No matter how small you are, always have at least 3 potential advisors compete for business. You will learn a lot through these interviews and it will be time well spent. Make sure you also invite people […]

Strategy – why do we even bother with all of this? (b)

Balance sheet Your balance sheet – yes, you have seen it when the yearly accounts were prepared but it really did not matter to your start-up. For you the one and only key was liquidity in the beginning, followed by profitability but what now? Yes, those accounts become important eventually. What do I mean by […]

eCFO Tips continued …

August 2012 eCFO Tips: Communication, communication, communication… when it comes to strategic decisions never assume that you know what each stakeholder wants. You will most likely approach a decision from a financial analysis perspective – most other (normal) people will not think that way – so make sure you talk to everyone and do not […]

FolienKnecht – a case study (b)

Business model testing (Is it profitable? Is it scalable?) Regular checks are important for a start-up. Have your previously set goals been reached and if so, can the business be scaled further? We usually measure the scalability by starting with relatively small trial cases that cover a broad range of marketing measures. Can we generate […]

FolienKnecht – a case study (a)

Enough of all the theoretical posts! Here is a more interesting, operationally focused case study. I think that my previous posts have theoretically highlighted various aspects of being an eCFO but what does it mean for operational reality? In order to further highlight this I was able to get permission from one of our venture […]