Investment Know How


akt ist: Die Digitalisierung ist auch im Bereich der Finanzwelt angekommen. In meinen täglichen Aufgaben treffe ich immer wieder auf spannende Beispiele und Beiträge, die zeigen, dass sich auch in diesem Umfeld eine Menge verändert und CFOs bzw. Investment Professionals umdenken müssen, um weiterhin erfolgreich zu agieren. Private Equity Funds und Family Offices benötigen völlig andere Qualifikationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung, um heutzutage noch relevante Investmententscheidungen treffen zu können. Ebenfalls erfordert das aktive Portfoliomanagement ein tiefes Verständnis der Digitalisierung, um Kapital auch in der Zukunft sinnvoll einzusetzen. Die bisherige Trickkiste der Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Finanzoptimierungen wird in diesem Umbruch nicht mehr ausreichend sein.

Das erwartet Dich hier:

  • Beiträge zur Unternehmensfinanzierung
  • CFO Aufgaben im Überblick
  • Private Equity Insights

What to do with all this liquidity…?

Encouraged by Alexander Graf and his critical analysis of the current digital environment I asked myself why so many irrational business seem to get an almost unlimited amount of funding. In Germany there is always Zalando as a great example of this trend. The business is so far not profitable and investments that by now […]

Conclusion: Venture Capital – does it still work?

…finishing of my post series in regards to VC industry changes … Will prices for start-ups significantly change? In my opinion most start-ups will continue to raise the necessary funds in Germany. Firstly, venture capital never played a significant role here and secondly a large range of new capital sources have been developed over [...]

What are the implications for start-ups?

cont’d from last post VC funding… Does it matter whether venture capital is a failed asset class or not? Yes, some capital restrictions will apply but I would argue that there are sufficient alternative sources of capital to not significantly restrict new venture creation. Smart entrepreneurs can bootstrap, rely on angle networks [...]

Venture Capital – does it still work?

Previously, venture capital as an asset class has been critically discussed by Jochen and Alex in their respective blogs and Source: and [...]

(b) Digital real estate investments

Google Insights for Search: Address: Preparation: Estimate a number of key words for your vacation rental There are a couple of important variables you can see here: Seasonality – if the search volume is impacted by seasonality you will see it going up and down as shown in the screenshot above. So [...]

(a) Digital real estate investments

Aside from being an eCFO I am also interested in personal investment decisions. Working with start-ups probably means that you are equity “rich”, cash poor and have plenty of private equity/capital exposure. In order to balance that exposure I personally invest in more “traditional” investment classes such as real estate, ETFs and large public [...]